Network Extensions

Tung Chung Line Extension

The project comprises three components:

  • a new intermediate Tung Chung East Station between Sunny Bay Station and Tung Chung Station
  • an extension of the existing Tung Chung Line (TCL) to a new terminal station at Tung Chung West, and
  • the Airport Railway Extended Overrun Tunnel (Remaining Section), i.e. extension of the existing overrun tunnels at the east of Hong Kong Station.

    Construction is expected to commence in 2023.

Project Overview

Tung Chung Line Extension


Tung Chung East Station
The newly-added Tung Chung East Station will be a key component of the transport infrastructure to support the Tung Chung New Town Extension (East) development.

Tung Chung Station


Tung Chung West Station
The Tung Chung West Station, located to the west of the existing Yat Tung Estate, will serve existing residents and potential housing developments nearby, including in the Tung Chung New Town Extension (West) planning areas.

Tung Chung West Station


Airport Railway Extended Overrun Tunnel (AREOT)
The AREOT is an underground tunnel around 460-metre long at the east of Hong Kong Station, which will enable TCL trains and Airport Express Rail Line trains to turn around at the back of the Hong Kong Station.

Airport Railway Extended Overrun Tunnel (AREOT)


  1. The population figures shown in the image above are made with reference to the administration’s paper submitted to the Legislative Council Panel on Transport Subcommittee on Matters Relating to Railways on 15 April 2020 (LC Paper No. CB(4)438/19-20(03))
  2. The above images indicating the station locations and alignment of tracks are not drawn to scale and are for reference only