Express Rail Link: Operation of Duty Free Business at Express Rail Link Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (Contract No. Q055421)
Prequalification Invitation
Operation of Duty Free Business
at Express Rail Link Hong Kong West Kowloon Station
Contract No.: Q055421
The Hong Kong Section of the Express Rail Link (XRL) runs from West Kowloon, heading north to the Shenzhen/Hong Kong Boundary, where it connects with the Mainland Section.
Expressions of interest are hereby invited from suitably qualified companies wishing to tender for Contract Q055421 for the operation of duty free business at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station.
The prequalification process for the tender will take place in September 2017. Only qualified companies with the relevant experience and financial capacity will be invited in September 2017 to submit tenders.
In order to be considered for prequalification, interested companies are requested to express their interest, and write to:
MTR Corporation Limited, 20/F., MTR Headquarters Building, Telford Plaza, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. Attention: Purchasing Manager - Property & Corporate Services.
Please enclose the following information in an envelope marked, “Expression of Interest for Operation of Duty Free Business at Express Rail Link Hong Kong West Kowloon Station (Q055421)” on or before 4 September 2017.
Company Background and Profile
- Date of incorporation
- Company organization
- No. of directors and key management
- No. of employees in Duty Free Business
- Shareholding and financial information together with Audited financial statements for last three years
Business Performance
- Reference from landlord(s) or licensor(s)
- Annual gross sales turnover for the past six years
Relevant Duty Free Business
- Total no. of years in duty free business
- Total no. of sales outlets in Hong Kong or elsewhere
- Operational capability and relevant experience in operating duty free business along cross-boundary and international border business
- Total no. of greenfield duty free projects operated
Please include the above information of your Holding Company if applicable.
For details of the information required, please click to download the enclosed file.
Prequalification Information Checklist
All companies responding to this advertisement are deemed to have complied with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in the collection and transfer of personal data to MTR Corporation Limited. All information submitted, including personal data, shall be used by MTR Corporation Limited for the prequalification of tenderers for this Contract.
Companies shall not submit independent expression of interest if they intend to act as a supplier, sub-contractor or sub-consultant for another company, or if they are a partner of a joint venture established to tender for the Contract.
Companies having linkage to each other, e.g. subsidiaries, holding or sister companies, shall not express interest and submit tenders for the same Contract, whether on their own or as a partner of a joint venture. “Sister companies” shall mean all companies which are subsidiaries of or otherwise belonging to the same holding company. The existence of a holding-subsidiary relationship shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in Sections 13 to 15 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of Hong Kong. Companies having linkage to each other shall determine which company will submit expression of interest and a tender.
MTR Corporation Limited reserves the right to withdraw at any time from the process or any part thereof without giving prior notice. No financial or any other obligation will accrue to MTR Corporation Limited in such an event.
For enquiries, please contact Ms Phyllis Tong at 852-2993-8419, by fax 852-2993-7775 or email