Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility

Art in station architecture
Morning Dynamic

Artwork Title:
Morning Dynamic

Artist Name:
Remi Rough (UK)

Artwork Location:
Quarry Bay Station – Adit to exit A & B

Form of Artwork:
Vinyl Film

Artwork Completion Date:
March 2018

Artist's Concept:
Jointly commissioned by MTR Corporation and Swire Properties Ltd, "Morning Dynamics" reflects the movement of passengers through the MTR. Like the choreography of a dance, passengers flow together, colours blend and paths cross creating a vibrant interaction of people and space.
Artist: Remi Rough
Remi Rough (born 1971, London) began as a street artist in London in the 1980s. His art has been exhibited in galleries and cities worldwide including Berlin, New York, Perth and Singapore.

Morning Dynamic

Early design sketch of Artwork – Morning Dynamic