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경산출장업소【KaKaoTalk:Za31】 的查詢結果:第 11 - 20 個 ,共 152 個。


MTR > Airport Express Services - 港铁
The Airport Express is one of the world's leading Airport railway systems and offers you swift, sure links between Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and Hong Kong's vibrant Central business hub. The 35.3km journey between the Airport and the city takes as little as 24 minutes. The Airport Express is also your fastest and most convenient ... - 2024-05-19
MTR > System Map - 港铁
Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available. Kwun Tong Line. Location Map. Station Layout. - 2024-05-20
202403-SLM-TUC-WEB - 港铁
202403-SLM-TUC-WEB. Title. 202403-SLM-TUC-WEB. Created Date. 2/27/2024 12:58:20 PM. - 2024-05-18
MTR > Tenders & Contracts - 港铁
K3507 - Partial Replacement of Hong Kong Police Force Radio Amplifier System for EAL & TML: Shun Hing Systems Integration Company Limited 16/F, Shun Hing Centre 2 Shing Yiu Street Kwai Chung, New Territories Hong Kong: 1 Job: HK$4,339,300: 11 Sep 2023: Q095335 (A) Selective - 2024-05-18
港鐵 > 港鐵路綫圖
街道圖及位置圖. 大部份港鐵站內的大堂都設有街道圖,指示出港鐵站鄰近的酒店、文娛設施、購物中心、主要大廈及其最近港鐵站出入口。. 站內也有位置圖指示站內設施。. 觀塘綫. 街道圖. 位置圖. 調景嶺. 下載. 下載. - 2024-05-20
MTR > Tseung Kwan O - 港铁
MTR/AP/209 Tunnels between Tiu Keng Leng Station and Tseung Kwan O Station. MTR/AP/210 Tseung Kwan O Station. MTR/AP/211 Traction Infeed Sub-Station. MTR/AP/212 Pak Shing Kok Ventilation Building. MTR/AP/213 Hang Hau Station. MTR/AP/214 Tunnels between Po Lam Station and Hang Hau Station. MTR/AP/215 Po Lam Station. - 2024-05-17
MTR > Railway Protection - 港铁
Limiting Figures. Pressure change on any underground structure / installation (P) - 20 kPa ≤ P ≤ 20 kPa. Movement. ≤ 20 mm for a total movement in any railway structures / installations. ≤ 1 in 1000 for distortion in any railway structures / installations. ≤ 5mm for the induced level difference between rails of a track in ... - 2024-05-18
SLM-HOK-WEB-202211 - 港铁
SLM-HOK-WEB-202211. Title. SLM-HOK-WEB-202211. Created Date. 6/29/2023 9:54:58 AM. - 2024-05-15
MTR FAMLeaflet2023 PTFCS information web L1338 v2 - 港铁
Title: MTR_FAMLeaflet2023_PTFCS_information_web_L1338_v2 Created Date: 12/8/2023 2:31:58 PM - 2024-05-17
MTR > Home - 港铁
MTR Corporate Web Site. 【Airport Express】Enjoy 30% off Airport Express fares when taking a Taxi as feeder - 2024-05-10