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%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%B6%9C%EC%9E%A5%EB%A7%8C%EB%82%A8%EF%BC%88Talk:vb20%EF%BC%89 的查詢結果:第 61 - 70 個 ,共 254 個。


港鐵 > 股票資料
投資,業績,股東,股票,管治,企業活動,財務,報告 - 2024-04-29
MTR > Route Suggestion - 港铁
Forget Password? Security Tips: Please change your MTR Club login password periodically to protect your account and personal information. Login - 2024-04-27
港鐵 > 輕鐵路綫圖
機場快綫列車服務,機場站,香港國際機場,香港商業中心,機場鐵路,赤鱲角機場,中環,亞洲國際博覽館,博覽館站,青衣站,九龍站 ... - 2024-04-28
MTR > MTR Shops Finder - 港铁
Tsim Sha Tsui. Convenience Goods. 7-Eleven. TST 7. Paid Concourse. * Names of some shops are in Chinese only. * The information is subject to change without prior notice. * For leasing enquiries, please contact our Station Retail Section at (852) 2993 8372 during office hours. - 2024-03-11
港鐵 > 港鐵鐵路網絡
港鐵鐵路網絡. 港鐵(前稱地鐵)自1979年起一直致力為乘客提供既安全又快捷可靠的市區列車服務。. 2007年12月,地鐵公司與九廣鐵路公司的車務運作正式合併,並成立為港鐵公司。. 合併後的港鐵網絡成為亞洲其中一個最具效率及覆蓋最廣的鐵路系統,由中環及 ... - 2024-04-28
港鐵 > 主頁
港鐵網站提供最新的港鐵資訊,包括車費、時刻表、路綫圖、站內設施等。您可以在網站上查詢您的出行路線,了解港鐵的服務及優惠,並獲得港鐵的最新消息。 - 2024-04-28
LR location map 02 - 港铁
Title: LR location map 02 Created Date: 2/16/2016 10:35:58 AM - 2024-04-16
MTR > Shenzhen Metro Line 4 (Longhua Line) - 港铁
MTR Corporation (Shenzhen) Limited was established on 1 March 2004 following the award of the Shenzhen Metro Line 4 (SZL4) project. It operates SZL4 under a concession agreement, being responsible for the investment and construction of SZL4 Phase 2 as well as operation for the combined SZL4 Phase 1 and Phase 2 for a period of 30 years starting ... - 2024-04-25
港鐵 > 機場快綫車站
機場快綫車站. 集住宅、商業、零售及泊車設施於一隅的九龍站, 位處西九龍南端的尖沙咀區,是香港近年最觸目的現代化市區發展計劃的中心。. 九龍站交通便利,港鐵及多種其他交通工具均可直達。. 坐落九龍站的綜合購物商場Elements (圓方),面積約90萬平 ... - 2024-04-28
MTR > Network Improvements - 港铁
Construction is expected to commence in 2023. Project Overview. The newly-added Tung Chung East Station will be a key component of the transport infrastructure to support the Tung Chung New Town Extension (East) development. The Tung Chung West Station, located to the west of the existing Yat Tung Estate, will serve existing residents and ... - 2024-04-27